7 February – NINEOCLOCK: INSCOP survey: Over 65% of Romanians believe that the COVID-19 pandemic was caused by global elites to impose control over the world’s population
NINEOCLOCK: About two-thirds of Romanians believe that the COVID-19 pandemic was caused by global elites to impose control over the world’s population, and less than a third believe that it occurred naturally as it happened with other pandemics in human history,...
4 February – DIGLOGS.COM: Two-thirds of Romanians say global elite has caused the epidemic to take over the world
DIGLOGS.COM: According to a recent poll, two-thirds of Romanians agree with the claim that the coronavirus epidemic was caused by the “global elite” to bring the world’s population under control. More at:...
4 February – AGERPRES: Survey: Less than a third of Romanians believe COVID-19 pandemic has occurred naturally
AGERPRES: Two-thirds of Romanians believe that the COVID-19 pandemic was caused by global elites to impose control over the world's population, and less than a third believe that it occurred naturally as it happened with other pandemics in human history, according to...
JANUARY 27th 2022 – ROMANIA-INSIDER: Survey: Most Romanians think NATO will defend country in the event of a conflict in Ukraine
ROMANIA-INSIDER:A total of 70.3% of the respondents to a survey carried out by INSCOP Research think NATO will defend the country in the context of an increased risk of conflict in Ukraine. More at: https://www.romania-insider.com/survey-nato-eu-trust-jan-2022
JANUARY 27th 2022- ACT MEDIA: Survey: Most Romanians believe NATO will defend Romania, in context of risk of war in Ukraine
ACT MEDIA: Over 70% of Romanians believe that NATO will defend Romania, in the context of a growing risk of war in Ukraine, according to an opinion poll conducted by INSCOP Research. More at:...
27 JANUARY 2022 – NEWS.TVS.24: SURVEY Romanians’ confidence in NATO, EU and Germany has increased / Over 70% believe that Romania will be defended by NATO in the event of a war in Ukraine / World leaders in which people have the greatest trust – Essential
NEWS.TVS.24: Romanians’ confidence in NATO, the European Union, Germany and the USA has increased compared to other years, and 70.3% of those surveyed believe that NATO will defend Romania, in the context of increasing the risk of war in Ukraine, according to an...
26 JANUARY 2022 – STIRIPESURSE: Most Romanians believe NATO will defend Romania, in context of risk of war in Ukraine (survey)
STIRIPESURSE: Over 70% of Romanians believe that NATO will defend Romania, in the context of a growing risk of war in Ukraine, according to an opinion poll conducted by INSCOP Research. More at:...
26 January 2022 – NINE O’CLOCK: INSCOP Research: Over 70% of Romanians believe NATO will defend Romania, in context of risk of war in Ukraine
NINE O'CLOCK: Over 70% of Romanians believe that NATO will defend Romania, in the context of a growing risk of war in Ukraine, according to an opinion poll conducted by INSCOP Research. More at:...